The Right Setting=The Right Life!~

Are You Ever in the Southwest?~


Saturday, March 21, 2015

The First Full Day of Spring---Let It Become Like This!~



  All things Photomasculine,
And the times and places
That bring men together.

For some of us, especially, it's been
A long wait~

There's a hint of something good blooming~

Now, finally, Spring has Sprung!~

Time to really let the pores breathe~

You sense it's time to get that fresh air and sun again!~




Youth, discovering its most scintillating moments~



 Local UPS man, name withheld, opens his pores~

Landscape lad takes the Lensman's advice to feel free 'n easy~

That first warm-weather get-together party~

 Truly, the Springtime of Youth~

Ruggged settings refresh a Man~

Rural retreat, with young angler taking a break from the water~


First-time homeowner basques in noontide sun
Of the Vernal Equinox~

 Just the right public paean to be free~

Here, we'll conclude with a Suburban Stud's
Kind contribution for Spring~

Contributions and Input From All Our Viewership Welcome~
Aspiring Photographers, Models, Physique Artists
Amateur Videography, Cinéma Vérité
Men's Nudist Venues, Groups